Nimdzi Live: AI & Interpreting


AI continues to reshape the language industry landscape. With over a year in this most fast-paced round of the transformation, Nimdzi teams up with GLOBO in this Nimdzi Live episode to talk about AI and interpreting. 

人工智能继续重塑语言行业格局。在这一轮节奏最快的变革中,经过一年多的时间,Nimdzi与GLOBO携手,在本期 Nimdzi Live节目中探讨人工智能与口译。

Dipak Patel, the CEO at GLOBO, has over 20 years of experience in health tech, consulting, and private equity. In the 2024 Nimdzi 100 report, GLOBO was ranked as the second fastest-growing language service provider and the sixth largest healthcare interpreting provider in the U.S. Its mission is to help organizations communicate across languages via its easy-to-use app, GLOBO Connect, and supplement them with trusted data insights through its reporting platform, GLOBO HQ.

GLOBO 首席执行官迪帕克-帕特尔(Dipak Patel)在健康科技、咨询和私募股权投资领域拥有20多年的丰富经验。在 2024 年 Nimdzi 100 报告中,GLOBO 被评为美国发展第二快的语言服务提供商和第六大医疗保健口译提供商。该公司的使命是通过其易于使用的应用程序 GLOBO Connect 帮助企业进行跨语言沟通,并通过其报告平台 GLOBO HQ 提供可靠的数据见解作为补充。

Ewandro Magalhães is a global language specialist at Nimdzi. With over 30 years of experience, he has held various roles, including Chief Interpreter in the United Nations, a writer, and a TED speaker. He is also the co-founder and the Chief Language Officer of KUDO, a platform to add live interpretation to online and hybrid meetings. 

Ewandro Magalhães是 Nimdzi 的全球语言专家。他拥有 30 多年的语言工作经验,曾担任过各种角色,包括联合国首席口译员、作家和 TED 演讲人。他还是 KUDO 的联合创始人和首席语言官,该平台为在线会议和混合会议提供实时口译服务。 

In this episode, there was a huge emphasis put on the competencies of AI interpreters and what might be long-term consequences of relying on such technology in interpreting. Consensus? Human translators are not going to be substituted just yet; but AI is going to fill in the gaps where no interpreting was offered before, allowing speakers to return to their native tongues and helping people get access to data in a fast and cost-effective way. However, without a universally accepted quality standard for human interpretation, it is difficult to determine how AI interpretation truly compares to a human interpreter.


One of the questions investigated whether AI interpreters can effectively capture the nuances of language and the emotions the speakers want to convey. The experts agreed: the challenge lies in understanding when to express emotions and then how to express them across cultures, and AI still struggles with that. There are, however, some great improvements that AI can bring to the interpreting table. With its great capacity to analyze and compare lots of data in a short time, it already is a great aid to human interpreters. 


Dipak and Ewandro have also raised the issue of the responsibility of humans in keeping up the quality of AI interpreting results and its training process. “The tool is just as good as the data it is fed” stays true in one more case. It is especially important in case of the possibility of perpetuating hateful or discriminating terms and language. But hopefully, there is much room for improvement: AI works great with safety measures, such as word-detecting systems or forbidden terms lists, outperforming its human counterparts in this area.

Dipak 和 Ewandro还提出了人类在保持人工智能翻译结果及其训练过程质量方面的责任问题。”工具的好坏取决于所提供的数据 “这一说法在另一个案例中依然适用。在可能传播仇恨或歧视性用语和语言的情况下,这一点尤为重要。但充满希望的是,还有很大的改进空间:人工智能在安全措施(如单词检测系统或禁用术语列表)方面表现出色,在这方面优于人类同行。

So, while it is not going to outperform human translators just now (or in the next 2 to 3 years), it is definitely going to be part of the landscape, serving human interpreters to provide yet better results. Our experts have meticulously broken down the expectations into real-life observations and offered the audience a chance to look at a change from a dual perspective – of a human and artificial interpreter.

因此,虽然它现在(或未来 2 到 3 年内)还无法超越人类口译员,但它肯定会成为这个领域的一部分,为人类口译员提供更好的服务。专家们深入剖析了期望,转化为实际观察,并为观众提供了双重视角——人类和人工口译员的视角——来看待变化的机会。

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