Change is the theme

The AI revolution is changing the landscape of the global translation industry with language being at the core of AI. This is opening up an abundance of opportunities for the traditional translation industry. Advanced business models, more efficient workflows, evolving professions and state-of-the-art technologies are developing. TAUS in Tokyo 2024 will consist of a half-day workshop on the topic of Quality Estimation and a one and a half day forum on trends and changes in the industry.


Quality Estimation Workshop

MT Quality Estimation is at the top of the localization agenda in 2024. Everyone who is using MT – and who isn’t these days? – will now want to use MTQE. Why? Because after all the excitement and hype around AI and LLMs in the past year, we want to put our feet on the ground and build trust in our MT setup. Besides, use cases tell us that one can easily save 30% or more on post-editing costs and efforts. MTQE automatically blocks the really bad machine translations from reaching the end-users and it flags the good translations so that they don’t need to be sent to post-editors. The TAUS Tokyo event will open with a half-day workshop fully dedicated to Quality Estimation.

TAUS Forum

The grand shift to AI in the translation world poses every manager in the localization industry for fundamental questions of pace (“am I going too fast or too slow?”), of reality (“how do I know this really works or not?”), of skills and people (“which talents and resources am I going to need”) and costs and investments (“budgets I need and ROIs I can promise”). The best way to find answers to these questions is to talk to your peers. This is what’s on the agenda of the TAUS Forum: open and honest discussions with a small group of around fifty decision makers.

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